Since the beginning, the Alberta Browncoats society has been a very small organization. You might be shocked to learn that from 2009-2012 our not-for-profit organization has consisted of a 5-7 member board of directors, a core group of 4-6 volunteers who helped out during specific events (CSTS, conventions, etc.) and a knitting team of 6-12 knitters depending on the year.
When we’ve said we’re small and mighty we certainly meant it!
This also explains why group gatherings are few and far between. Our small group has been stretched to the limits these past few years.
Recently, there has been significant interest regarding how to become a member of the Alberta Browncoats Society. At our 2012 Annual General Meeting (AGM) we took the time to define our membership and all it entails. One of the most important things to all of us is that we focus on remaining a service organization. In addition to membership fees we’ll require a small volunteer commitment – minimum 4 hours per year – from each of our members.
To learn more about membership, or to join, visit our Membership page.